CRA Charitable No. 132063330RR0001
CRA Charitable No. 132063330RR0001
Check out our adoptable animals on our website at and click the Adopt tab, then Adoptable Animals. Scroll through to find the pet that you are interested in.
Click Apply for Adoption. Fill out the adoption application for the pet that you are interested in. If you are interested in meeting more than one pet, please include all of their names.
Our shelter staff will review all the applications for each pet. We strive to place our pets in homes that are suited to their personality and needs. We will call the successful applicant and book them an appointment to come meet the pet.
The successful applicant will come to the shelter to meet the pet they are interested in. If after meeting them, they decide that they are not ready to adopt, there is no obligation to complete the adoption process and we will move on to the next candidate.
Looking for a furry friend to keep you company? We have so many amazing pets looking for their forever families. They can't wait to meet you!