CRA Charitable No. 132063330RR0001
CRA Charitable No. 132063330RR0001
Occasionally, the Moose Jaw Humane Society receives companion animals who, either due to their age, medical or behaviour issues, may require time in a foster home before they can be placed for adoption.
Fostering a companion animal is a major commitment, often requiring a few weeks to several months, before they are ready for adoption.
If you feel that you could provide a safe and enriching temporary home for an animal or animals in need, please complete the foster application above.
Upon receiving your application, one of our team members will contact you, when a foster home is required, to schedule a Foster Orientation.
To be a Foster Parent, you must meet the following basic requirements:
When will I be contacted?
The waiting period varies based on need. There are times of the year that we need more foster parents, particularly in the spring and fall.
Will I be responsible for food and other supplies?
The Moose Jaw Humane Society provides you with food, toys, litter and bedding as well as any other supplies.
How long am I required to foster a particular animal?
Each animal has special needs. The animal may need to be fostered for a long period of time or only for a couple of weeks. However, the average fostering term is between two weeks to two months. Kittens and puppies are usually returned to foster once they have reached a healthy weight to be spayed or neutered, which is usually 8-10 weeks of age.
If I have my own pets, is it safe to foster?
To participate in this program, all of your own animals must be fully vaccinated. Before you take any foster animal home you will be informed of any precautions that are needed. We also recommend, if you are fostering puppies or kittens, that they are kept separate from your own animals. If your animal becomes sick, it is your responsibility to take your own animal to your veterinarian. Any cost that is incurred will be at your own expense.
Is there a risk I will pick up a disease from an animal I'm fostering?
While there are certain diseases that animals carry that may affect human's, there is a very low risk. By using proper hygiene when handling the animals, the spread of diseases is greatly reduced.
Looking for a furry friend to keep you company? We have so many amazing pets looking for their forever families. They can't wait to meet you!