CRA Charitable No. 132063330RR0001
CRA Charitable No. 132063330RR0001
No matter how careful you are, pets can slip away and become lost. That's why licensing your pet is so important.
A pet licence is a unique ID that tells us your pet belongs to you. It allows us reunite the two of you more quickly if your pet ever gets lost or displaced in an emergency. To us, that peace-of-mind is priceless.
In the City of Moose Jaw, owners of a dog must obtain a valid dog license tag. These license tags must be attached to a collar that your dog must wear at all times.
City of Moose Jaw yearly dog licenses are valid from April 1 - March 31. The City of Moose Jaw encourages owners to spay or neuter their pets by offering reduced license fees.
A yearly license fee for an:
Licenses can be purchased at the City of Moose Jaw or the Moose Jaw Humane Society during business hours.
This Valentine's Day heal your broken heart and SPAY OR NEUTER your ex.
For a $50 donation towards a neuter or spay, we will name a cat or dog after your ex. Because some things just shouldn’t breed.